Watch Recording: Marxism vs Capitalism vs Kabbalism


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In this week's Lecture and Open Q&A, Billy delved into some burning questions:

1. Is there a formula for world peace and unlimited prosperity and longevity? 

2. Why has the middle ground vanished and the world has become so polarized? 

3. Is there a way to unite opposites? 

4. Is true Kabbalism like Capitalism on Steroids?

5. Did Kabbalist Rav Ashlag's support a Marxist/Communist view of Society?

6. Why can't my closest friends and family absolutely understand what the hell I am saying and what I am seeing?

7. What Do the Kabbalists Say About the Biology underlying Gay Attraction?

8. The Zohar says Armageddon will be a war upon the thoughts of humankind. Where is this happening now in the military?

9. Why is Silicon Valley now seeking a way to achieve immortality? Why is the media reporting on the possibility of immortality in our lifetime?

About Billy Phillips

Billy Phillips is in the intellectual property licensing business. He is also an award-winning writer, producer, and creative director.

He has been instrumental in bridging the divide between science and spirituality. Billy has guest lectured at NASA on two occasions. These talks were given at the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, and the Goddard Space Flight Center located just outside Washington, DC.

During his ongoing studies and research he has explored this topic with a wide range of luminaries physicists, scholars, and world leaders including Nobel Laureate and physicist Arno Penzias, Michio Kaku, US President Bill Clinton and other luminaries.

He is married to Marianne Phillips, has 4 adult children, David, Madison, Coby and Arielle and he lives in Southern California.